Proudly serving Colquitt and Worth County, Georgia
Proudly serving Colquitt and Worth County, Georgia
Proudly serving Colquitt and Worth County, Georgia
Proudly serving Colquitt and Worth County, Georgia
Our mission is to help individuals with disabilities reach their hopes and dreams through access to education, employment, training, and housing.
Community Access Services are designed to assist individuals in acquiring, retaining, or improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills required for active community participation and independent functioning outside the individual's home. These activities typically occur during the day, but can also take place in the evenings or week-ends. The intended outcome of these services is to improve the participant's access to the community through increased skills.
Prevocational Services prepares a person for paid or unpaid employment. The emphasis of prevocational services is directed to habilitative rather than explicit employment objectives. These services include attendance, problem solving, increased attention span, rule compliance, task completion, motor skills, safety, and appropriate social skills. Prevocational Services are individually planned to meet the participants need and the intended outcome is to prepare the participant for paid or unpaid employment.
Supported Employment provides work settings for individuals for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred. The Supported Employment Program may also provide work for individuals for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a disability, and who, because of their disability, need ongoing support services to work. The ultimate goal of the Supported Employment Program is to "graduate" individuals into independent employment.
Community Living Support Services are individually tailored supports that assist with the acquisition, retention, or improvement in skills related to an individual's continued residence in his or her personal or family home. Community Living Support Services include training and assistance with activities with the individual's participation in activities in the community. This service enables individuals to live as independently as possible.
Social Services are provided to all people served and include, but are not limited to: Information and referral to other agencies, transition planning, public education, behavioral management, transportation coordination and other participant specific services.
Art classes are offered weekly by professional artists. The program involves the encouragement of free self–expression through painting, drawing, modeling, and other crafts. This opportunity allows service recipients to participate in art therapy, which research has shown to have a beneficial impact on individuals with disabilities.
There is often a gap in services for students between high school and the attainment of adult services. With the assistance of United Way, Green Oaks Center can help fill this gap and provide individuals with disabilities services that will enable them to have increased independence, socialization, life skills, job development and other necessary resources that will help prepare them for the next phase in their life.
A brief tour of our facilities.
Green Oaks Center Executive Director Russ Joiner (pictured far left) participated in the Partnering for a Healthy Community event today with members of other social service agencies in our community.
Thank you to Lynn Wilson from NAMI Moultrie for organizing and inviting us to this quality event. Partnering and networking with our community is always a priority and allows us to improve the quality of services to people we work with.
Director Russ Joiner and Social Worker Andrew Brown worked a booth to spread information about Green Oak Center's services to the community.
An overview of the services Green Oaks Center provides.
Green Oaks Center is excited to announce that through donations from the United Way of Colquitt County that we will partner with the Colquitt County Arts Center and continue the GO Arts program in 2019. We enjoyed flexing our creative muscles earlier this year and can't wait to start back up in January!
This quarter, we are celebrating Blane Clark's entrepreneurial spirit. For several years, Blane has been building wooden risers for local embroidery machines, but after reaching a saturation point with local sales, Blane decided to branch out and sell his product on the internet. With assistance from his family, Blane began listing the risers on Etsy.com, to reach the vast national marketplace. This has proven to be a huge success in growing his business.
Recent sales counts show Blane has sold nearly two hundred risers and his sales continue to increase with positive online reviews and numerous "5" star reviews from buyers. With price comparison guidance from GOC staff Kirk Moulton, Blane has significantly reduced shipping and manufacturing costs thereby maximizing profits. This has allowed Blane to purchase additional tools for his business.
If you're interested in purchasing a riser please check out Blane's storefront "Rising to the Challenge" on Etsy. Congratulations to Blane on his success and determination with an expanding business venture!
Karaoke Winners!
Many of the people we serve are interested in learning skills that will help them become more independent in the community. The ultimate goal for many is to live without any supports so we are always teaching them skills that they would need to be successful.
Green Oaks has positively impacted Colquitt County for over 50 years. Currently, we serve 110 individuals with disabilities and their families (67 whom are employed at jobs linked through the agency). Along with 40 full time staff, Green Oaks indirectly provides employment for 13 transportation workers and 12 residential providers. The agency's purchase of supplies and business associations have an economic impact on more than 75 local businesses and industries. Additionally, the private sector plays a large role in employment with Green Oaks providing janitorial services for 18 locations and lawn care of 65 sites. Green Oaks is proud to be a contributor to the local community as we assist individuals in reaching their goals towards employment and independence.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
2443 GA Highway 133 S., Moultrie, Georgia 31788, United States
(229) 891-7300 Mailing address is PO Box 2677 Moultrie, GA 31776
Monday - Friday:
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday - Sunday:
By appointment